Want to Help the World? Join us!

Open Positions


  • Create & organize giveaways for various products.
  • Advertise the giveaway online & find key partners.
  • Help with other marketing activities like managing social media & outreach campaigns.

Content writer:


  • Design infographics.
  • Work with marketer & content writers to research the topic & write the copy.
  • Polish article designs.

What We Offer

  • Flexible working hours. & location. Work whenever you want from wherever you want.
  • Earn an hourly rate or a fixed project price.
  • Full training & education.
  • Opportunity to advance

How to Apply?

Send an email to info (at) techfuturae (dot) com with this information:

  • First & last name
  • Desired hourly rate/rate based on word count (for content writers)
  • Available hours per week
  • A position you’re applying to
  • Attached completed test assignment depending on the position (see bellow for tasks)

Marketing task: Describe how would you organize & promote a giveaway on TechFuturae using as much detail as you can.

Content writer task: Write a 100-word review of favorite product, service or app in the VR niche.

Designer task: Attach / send a link to your portfolio. An Infographic portfolio is a plus.

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